Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Students Show Some Teacher Love at Rebel U 2015 #rebelu15

The objective of Rebel U is to provide teachers with quality professional development that helps them leverage available technology resources to support student learning and classroom instruction.  This day would not be possible though if it weren't for the amazing teachers we have in our district, but also if it weren't for the students who show up everyday and have just as much of an impact on our teachers as our teachers do on them.

At the end of last school year, we asked students in all of the buildings to share what they liked about their teachers and how they have made an impact on their learning.  After gathering responses, we asked teachers on the final day of school to read what some of their students had to say.  It was truly touching to hear teachers read, laugh, and maybe have a few tears over their students' sentiments.  We recorded this readings as a way of documenting the great things that are going on in our district and the impact our teachers have on our students, inside and outside the classroom.

In addition to creating the video, we also created several "boards" that we posted in the building for everyone to see (and we were able to include more student comments this way!).  The questions we asked our students (to fit with our Disney Heroes and Villains theme):

  • ECC K-2 students: Why is your teacher one in a "minion?"
  • Godfrey Elementary 3-5 students: How has your teacher helped you or lifted you up this year?
  • Lee Middle School 6-8 students: Which teacher has made an impact on your learning and why?
  • 9-12 students:  What is your favorite memory of a teacher that you would like to freeze in time?

If you are unable to view the video below, please click here.

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