Monday, March 23, 2015

Digital Learning Day 2015 at Godfrey-Lee #GlpsDLDay

This year, our superintendent requested that all teachers and students in the district were to engage in at least one digital learning activity on Digital Learning Day.  In preparation for this day, a few principals requested some time from our Tech Team to speak with their teachers.  So, in preparation, our team spent a day working with K-2 teachers at our Early Childhood Center helping them plan an activity for the day and providing hands-on assistance playing with new resources and collaborating with one another.  (The agenda for this planning time can be found here.)  Several members of our team also met with the middle school and high school teachers to share ideas and answer questions about the day during their staff meeting.  We wanted to make sure that all teachers were prepared for implementing a digital activity in their classroom and could ask us any questions as they arose.

Below are a few images we captured as we traveled through the buildings in the district on Digital Learning Day.  To view the full gallery of images, please click here.  We also encouraged teachers to share their experiences, photos, and other thoughts on social media with the hashtag #GlpsDLDay.  It was great to see all the great things going on!  To view a collection of our district's social media posts from the day, please click here.

After teachers completed their Digital Learning Day activity, we asked them to share their activity they implemented, examples of student projects, or any other notes they had about the day.  It was great seeing what everyone was doing and we enjoyed celebrating the digital learning that was taking place in our district!  Listed below are the responses we received to the teacher survey we sent out in regards to their Digital Learning Day experience.  If you are unable to view the responses below, please click here.

Monthly Tech Survey {March Results}

It is hard to believe that we are already starting to think about the end of the school year and summer plans and work that needs to be done!  As we make this final push to the end of the school year, our team is looking towards different ways to support our teachers as we do our summer planning and look forward to the following school year.  This month, we sent out a survey to our staff asking, "What is something (or somethings!) you do during the summer to prepare your classroom, curriculum, or other fun things for the beginning of the new school year?".  We hope to use this information gathered from this question to provide our teachers with relevant summer learning opportunities.

Listed below are the responses we received.  If you would like to view the responses in a larger sheet format, please click here.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Monthly Tech Survey {February Results}

Last month, we sent out a survey to our staff asking their thoughts and opinions on the Media Centers in their buildings.  We appreciate everyone's honesty and time in providing feedback about the Media Centers.  We strive to have open-ended communication with everyone and are always welcome to receiving feedback!

Below are some charts that provide district-wide responses to the given questions.


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