Tuesday, June 2, 2015

End of Year FAQ's

Each year we try to become more efficient in the way we collect district technology items. Our goal is to keep all staff members informed of what is happening to devices and how things are handled over the summer. Listed below are a few Frequently Asked Questions that we get each year.

What happens to my devices over the summer?
  • Staff-
    • Each staff device will be re-imaged and updated this summer. All data stored locally on the computer will be wiped. Please make sure all of your important files are uploaded to Google Drive or otherwise backed up.  We're streamlining how staff computers will receive updates and other software packages. Many of the systems on your computers require updates on a weekly basis. Each staff computer will be setup to receive these necessary updates automatically while connected to the districts network. 
  • Student-
    • Each student device will be re-imaged and updated every summer. 
Will I have the same student devices as last year?
  • No, devices are distributed by the building administrator. After all repairs are completed an inventory is sent to the building administrator so they are able to distribute the available devices accordingly. 
  • This does not apply to devices that were purchased with Grant, Title, or other special funding for a specific classroom or purpose. 
Will I be getting new technology next year?
  • New technology purchases are done at the building level. If your building administrator has planned to purchase new technology for your classroom we will do our best to get it setup for you to use in the fall. 
What if my devices are broken or missing? 
  • Anytime a device is broken (internal or physical) it should be reported to the Technology Department and building administrator. If you have devices that are not working or have been damaged please fill out a GLPS Support Ticket. It is important that we are able to get broken devices fixed while they are still under warranty. If their is a cost associated with the repair it will need to be handled at the building level.
  • Missing devices should also be reported to the Technology Department and your building administrator. 
What do I do with my other technology items such as Projector Remote, Apple TV Remote, Classroom Speakers?
  • These items belong to the classroom and should be left on top of the desk in your classroom. Many of our classrooms are used over the summer for various reasons and those items need to be accessible. Even if you are moving classrooms leave these items on the desk in your current classroom. 


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