Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rebel U 2013: Session Overview

This a post in a series about Rebel U 2013.

As our team prepares for Rebel U 2013, sometimes we get caught up in organizing all of the details that make the day run smoothly that we often forget to share some of the data about our event.

This year, we had many teachers return as presenters, as well as many new teachers that stepped forward to share what they are doing in their classrooms in regards to teaching and student learning.  It is amazing to hear teachers talk about their experiences, share the realities of what worked well and what they would change for next time, as well as collaborate with their peers.  Each year, Rebel U grows stronger because our teachers are continually learning and implementing tools, resources, and strategies that meet the needs of their students.  Rebel U truly would not be a success without our stellar teachers!

When we open our call for presenters for Rebel U, we open up our event to anyone who would like to share with fellow educators about best practices, ideas, resources, and any other ways that technology serves as a learning tool in the classroom.  The majority of our presenters are teachers, administrators, and GLPS Tech & Media team members, but we are also very fortunate to have several people from the Kent ISD join us.  A breakdown of where are presenters join us from is listed below.

Our teacher presenters choose their topic in which they would like to present.  We have all of our presenters fill out a form, which we use to gather information and data about their sessions.  Below is a summary of the information gathered about our sessions.

If you are interested in finding out more about Rebel U 2013, information can be found on our website here. The agenda, complete with full session descriptions, can be found here.


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