Monday, May 5, 2014

Rebel U 2014 {Our Attendees}

As our Tech & Media Team is busy preparing for Rebel U 2014, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the attendees that have registered for our day.  Rebel U is designed by the Godfrey-Lee Technology & Media Team for the staff of Godfrey-Lee Public Schools.  Each year, we have several presenters from outside the district that present and attend sessions throughout the day.  At the conclusion of each Rebel U day, we have all participants complete an evaluation that allows us to gain insight about session offerings, structure of the day, and other information.  Our team truly values the input we receive from teachers and we use the information we gather to structure and plan future technology professional development offerings and Rebel U days.  Our amazing teachers are what makes our Rebel U day amazing for everyone involved!

Below are some charts that share some information about our registered attendees for Rebel U 2014.  This year for registration, we opted to use Google Forms.  In the past, we have used Eventbrite because of the ability to limit the number of registrants per session.  Eventbrite worked great for that reason, but gathering other information and reporting that data out was a little cumbersome.  So this year we chose to use Google Forms with the FormRanger script.  By using this script, we were able to build a simple registration form that was easy for end-users to navigate for registration, limit the number of attendees per session, as well as gather other information that would allow us to aggregate data about our attendees in a variety ways (as exemplified in the charts below!).  This has worked great for us and the data we have been able to pull has been awesome!

The following chart shows the registration across the buildings across our district.
The following chart shows a breakdown of the grade levels taught/roles of our attendees.

The following chart shows a breakdown of the subject areas taught/roles of our attendees.

The following chart shows how many of our attendees are on Twitter.

The following chart shows how many of our attendees have their own teacher website.

One of our main goals with Rebel U is building professional learning opportunities that allow our teachers to self-direct their own learning.  Our team feels that "technology integration professional development" is such a broad term that can be interpreted in so many different ways depending on the structure and environment of ones' job.  By building a learning model that allows teachers (and other attendees) to select their learning topics of interest, we hope that everyone is able to take something away that they can implement into their job, instruction, or student learning process.

The following charts show the breakdown of registration for the breakout sessions throughout the day.   For more information about our sessions and presenters, please check out our agenda here.

Lastly, we have a chart showing the awesome superheroes that are favorites of our attendees.

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