Friday, October 11, 2013

GLPS Tech PD {Digital Learning Badges}

As stated in a previous blog post, our Tech & Media Team is taking a different approach to the professional learning opportunities we are providing this year.  We are focusing on providing teacher-driven professional development and making learning meaningful and relevant.  Part of this process includes gathering data, but also includes some fun incentives - digital learning badges!

At Rebel U this year, some of our teachers were introduced to the concept of gamification in the classroom environment.  To model a concept of gamification, this year we will be incorporating digital learning badges into our professional development opportunities.  Once a teacher has completed a professional learning opportunity with us and completed the Post-PD Meeting Form, we will issue that teacher a badge marking their completion of a technology professional development offering.

So what does this mean to you as a GLPS Teacher?

  • This provides you with a great way to show off your professional learning participation
  • As you will have filled out the Post-PD Meeting Form, this will serve as documentation of your professional learning (if needed for certification)
  • New badges will be added throughout the year based on teacher input and participation.  Don't be afraid to share what you are doing!

If you are a teacher that has received a digital learning badge - now what are your next steps?
  1. You will receive an email from GLPS Tech & Media notifying you of your badge.  If you choose to do nothing with your badges, you are done at this point.  We recommend saving the email though in case you would like to reference it in the future.
  2. If you would like to keep track of your badges, we recommend creating an account with Credly (the service we are using for issuing digital badges).
  3. Once you have created an account, it is helpful if you create a "Category."  This will help you organize your badges and allow you to embed them on your website if you choose to do so.
  4. Select your badges and place them in a category you created.  Once you create your category and place badges in that category, you will see a button that looks like "< >" that will provide you with some HTML code.
  5. If you would like to show off your badges on your website, simply copy this code and paste it onto your website.
  6. After this initial set-up, when you receive a new badge, simply accept the badge from the email and select a category for it to be placed in, and your website will then automatically be updated with your new badge!  If you would like to see an example of how they would be displayed on your website, take a look at my site to see.
We are always looking to celebrate the awesome things our teachers are doing with students, so don't be afraid to share!  It could earn you a shiny digital badge! 

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