Have you ever gone to use your Apple TV remote to control your Apple TV and notice that as you are navigating around, the volume on your Mac starts automatically adjusting? This can be frustrating/annoying depending on what you are doing, but the great thing is that you can disable that feature with just a few clicks! By making this setting adjustment, you prevent your Apple TV remote from changing the volume settings on your computer and it will just control your Apple TV.
To change the remote control settings:
1. Open your System Preferences. Click on Security & Privacy.
2. In the lower-right hand corner, click on the lock button to unlock the Security & Privacy options. You will be prompted to enter your password after clicking on this button.
3. In the lower right-hand corner, click on the Advanced button.
4. Click the check box for Disable remote control infrared receiver option from the list.
5. Click the OK button.