Monday, November 24, 2014

Bring on the Cheer! The EdTech Cheer, That Is! #EdTechCheer

December 1 - 12, 2014

The season for my 12 Days of EdTech Cheer is upon us!

As I do each year, I would once again really like to encourage any and all teachers, educators, and administrators to participate (not just GLPS teachers!).  There is so much we can learn from one another about utilizing technology as a tool in learning and instruction that does not need to be confined within the walls of a classroom or district.

This year, the theme for EdTech Cheer 2014 is Kagan Cooperative Learning and SIOP strategies.  As with last year, it is my intent to provide you with 12 days of online, self-directed professional development that you can complete within 15 minutes a day.  That means that if you complete the full 12 days, that equals 3 hours of professional development!  We are all busy during the day and at this time of year, so 15 minutes is much more manageable than 3 hours at one time!

To view the 2014 12 Days of EdTech Cheer, please click here

Feel free to explore and get started participating in any of the days at any time.  Each day is scheduled for a day starting on December 1 (for the purpose of documenting participation and other fun incentives).  You do not have to wait to complete the activities on that particular day - you may start at any time!  To be considered for any of the incentives though, you must complete the form provided on each day (to document your participation) by the scheduled date listed on the home page.

To kick of the EdTech Cheer fun, I will be hosting a drop in session on Monday, December 1 from 3:30-4:00 in the Lee Media Center. Feel free to drop by with any questions, start working on some of the days, or talk to others who are also participating in this online professional learning opportunity.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you following along over the course of the 12 Days of EdTech Cheer!  Also, feel free to follow the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #EdTechCheer .


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