Tuesday, April 15, 2014

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, No, It's Rebel U 2014! {Session Information}

Our Tech & Media Team has been busy preparing for Rebel U 2014 and we are excited about the many things that are in store for the day already.

One thing we have been working on developing over the past couple of years is data collection.  We are working on building a sustainable program that accurately represents our technology professional development as well as celebrates the amazing things our teachers are doing in their classrooms and with their students.  When we open our call for presenters, we ask all presenters (and their co-presenters) to complete a form that lets us know a little bit about them, as well as provides information about their session (to view more information about our presenters, please click here).  The information we gather from presenters not only allows us to share with our teachers about the session offerings for the day, but it also allows our Tech & Media Team to see some of the great implementations that have transpired from teacher initiative and exploration, professional development, student learning needs, and collaboration among staff and students.  We are proud of how our program has developed over the past four years and can't wait to see what year five brings for our staff!

If you are interested in learning a little bit about the sessions offered during our day, please take a look at some of the charts below.  If you are unable to view the charts or would like to view more detailed information, please click here.

Rebel U 2014 {All About Our Presenters}

Our Tech & Media Team has been busy preparing for Rebel U 2014 and we are excited about the many things that are in store for the day already.  We have many great presenters who volunteer their time and talent that make our day possible.  Without our presenters, our day would not be a success!

As we continue to work on building a sustainable program that accurately represents our technology professional development offerings as well as celebrates the amazing things our teachers are doing in their classrooms and with their students, we ask all presenters (and their co-presenters) to complete a form that lets us know a little bit about them, as well as provides information about their session (to view more information about our presenters, please click here).  This information that we gather helps us identify information about our program, as well as be able to share with our teachers about the session offerings for the day.  Our presenters never cease to amaze us and we are proud of the teaching and learning going on in our district and how technology has become an integrated part of the instruction and learning.

If you are interested in learning a little bit about the presenters, please take a look at some of the charts below.  If you are unable to view the charts or would like to view more detailed information, please click here.


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