Friday, January 24, 2014

JB Tech Info + Lifelong Learning + Computer Science Education Falling Short

Continued Learning:
I'm always reading and learning online.   Gone are the days where traditional learning is the only measure of ones abilities. Sometimes it's hard to find exactly what you're looking for.  I ran across this site called .  They have a cool atlas of educational websites at .  Check it out.

Computer Science:
I'm constantly reading articles about companies pushing for more foreign visas to fill STEM jobs.  They say we do not have workers with the right skills to fill jobs, yet we have people in need of jobs. There is data all around the web on the fact that Computer Science graduates have not grown with our demand and usage of computers.  Female graduates had a record high in 1986 (14,500), but it wasn't until 2004 they set a new record high (15,000).  Huge opportunities that we are accepting huge loses on.  Degree data from: .

If you're interested in getting your students or children into computer science there is a cheap and highly documented microcontroller called Arduino.  Below are links with more information, tutorials, lessons, and other resources.  Searching for Arduino in google will result in many websites and videos on youtube.  It's easier than you think to get started!

Projector Bulb Life Expectancy

Many teachers use the projectors daily and they are great resource to display media and connect with the visual learners in our classrooms. So how do we get the most out of the expensive bulb inside? Each bulb has an average life of 4,000 hours. This may seem like an eternity but when they burn out it can really throw a kink in our lesson plans. Freezing the projector or pressing the A/V mute button on the remote still drains the hours on the bulb. Turning the projector off when they are not being used is the only way to ensure that your bulbs life is spent on instruction time. 

SIOP {Lesson Preparation}: Creating Meaningful Activities with Comics

Come visit me over at my blog to check out ways technology can be used as a tool to support SIOP and creating meaningful learning activities!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

EdTech Cheer 2013: Wrap Up

Come visit me over at my blog to check out how the 2013 12 Days of EdTech Cheer went this year!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

JB Tech Info: Christmas Break Updates

Christmas Break Updates:

  • Over Christmas break I took the opportunity to move the Wireless Access Points around at Godfrey Elementary.  They were previously located in the hallway and now are in the classrooms.  Dead zones are/were an issue in the building due to the building material.  Wireless phones and computers were not on the horizon when the building was constructed.  This should help reception where it is needed most: in the classrooms.
  • Also the new Apple TVs that were connected to wireless before now have network lines ran to them.  The idea is to make the Airplay connection with your MacBook Pro and iPad as reliable as possible.  There are still a few rooms left at Godfrey Elementary and then I will move on to the ECC.
  • The ECC will be getting additional Wireless Access Points and the same wired connection for the Apple TV.
  • With the majority of the Apple TVs deployed and iPads deployed, we can start on the student Macbook Airs.  We should be e-mailing your building in the coming weeks with details.
As always if you have any questions e-mail us or if you would like PD on any of the new technology, please follow the District PD link on your RebelNet desktop.


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