As part of the Rebel U 2014 Evaluation, we asked a couple of questions about the
EdTech Cheer professional learning opportunity that is offered annually around the holiday time. Similar to
Rebel U, this will also be the fifth year that I have designed and offered the
EdTech Cheer professional learning opportunity to not only the Godfrey-Lee teachers, but any educator that wants to participate.
Based on the responses, I just want just explain a little bit about what
EdTech Cheer is. Simplistically, it is an extended, online professional learning opportunity that is meant to provide resources, integration ideas, or methods for how technology can effectively leveraged as an instructional and student learning tool. Taking my own spin on the "12 Days of Christmas," I share 12 days worth of ideas and ways that you can use technology. As with many other professional learning opportunities, this is not meant to be a rigid prescription for exactly how to utilize technology resources, but rather something you can take and flexibly adapt to your instructional and student learning needs. I like to look at it as 12 days of fun!
In the evaluation, some mentioned that the time of year that
EdTech Cheer is offered is not necessarily ideal with all of the other holiday things going on in their classrooms and schools. My goal is to provide on-going professional development opportunities throughout the year because I know everyone's schedule is different and certain times work better than others for some people. I like to offer this one mid-year, after the fall kick-off with Rebel U and before getting into in-depth planning for the coming Rebel U.
EdTech Cheer is just one professional learning opportunity that I offer throughout the year, but is maybe a little more publicized as it is not specific to any one classroom, school, or district. I just like to share with everyone!
Based on the responses of that question in combination with the responses for participating in voluntary technology PD offerings for this school year, I wanted to make sure to continue to offer this self-paced, on-demand professional learning opportunity.
When I build professional learning opportunities for staff, I use teacher input to drive the learning. Some of the items noted by teachers for what they would like to see for EdTech Cheer this year are:
- Information about Google Classroom
- Strategies
- Information that reaches all content areas
- Examples of what teachers have done and how it has worked
- Tools to follow up on things that were presented at Rebel U
- Information for itinerant staff
- Information in regards to Infinite Campus
- Technology assessment tools to progress monitor students
- SIOP information
- Discovery Education information
- Collaboration tools
- Cooperative learning information
- Prizes
- Classroom Learning Lab incorporation
Based on this feedback, I am working on designing EdTech Cheer to fit as many of those noted items as possible. As I am still in the design stage, I am always open to feedback and ideas!