Thursday, December 20, 2012

JB Tech Info - Coursera + Shortcut Cheat Sheet + Christmas Updates

Around the Net:

CourseraIs a website that offers free courses from many top Unversities from around the world.  Best of all it's FREE.  These are college level courses, but are a great way to expand your mind and the mind of your students.  This is a great opportunity for students to try out college material for free.
"The website provides free online courses in the fields of Computer Science; Healthcare, Medicine, and Biology; Society, Networks, and Information; Humanities and Social Science; Mathematics and Statistics; and Economic, Finance, and Business" -

Shortcut Cheat Sheet for PC and Mac

Tech Updates:

Over the break we will be updating the rest of the Ubuntu Linux netbooks with the latest version of Ubermix.  Also we'll be doing a Wireless Survey.  This will help us deploy additional WiFi Access Points in the best locations, with less guessing.  This will help evolve our WiFi network from a maximum coverage with the least amount of AP's to a high density/maximum availability WiFi network. Certain areas will get an additional AP over the break, due to poor coverage.  Particularly the basement at Lee HSMS.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monthly Tech Integration Idea: December 2012

Hop on over to my blog if you want to check out my monthly tech integration idea prompt!  This month my post is about using the Elf on the Shelf in your classroom!

Source: via Sarah on Pinterest

Rebel U {Virtual Edition} - 2013

This a post in a series about Rebel U {Virtual Edition} 2013.
This school year, the Technology & Media Department was granted another professional development day.  In August, we held our Rebel U event, which was structured similarly to that of larger conferences (a keynote address, breakout sessions, in-house and guest speakers, etc.).  One of the great things about this day is that it provides teachers with an opportunity to share things with one another about what they are doing in their classrooms.  I also know that many teachers walk away overwhelmed with all of the new tools they have learned about and excited to implement them in their classroom.

The purpose of this upcoming day is to build upon the things learned, and since implemented, from our fall Rebel U day.  The outcome of building upon those things learned about in the fall is to have everyone establish a web presence in the form of a website.  This website will be representative of you and your classroom and serve as a central communication tool.  This day will provide teachers with an opportunity to take what they have been working on in their class, show it off, and provide a central location for resources.

The presentations for the breakout sessions are based on some of the "Things" from the 21Things4Teachers program.  As teachers are working on developing their websites, they will be meeting National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T).  These standards not only help teachers develop their own skills, but also encourage them to utilize technology as a tool in their classroom to promote student achievement.  In addition, this district-provided technology professional development day will be aligned to the teacher evaluation framework.

We are updating our website as we plan this day, so feel free to see what we have planned so far by clicking here!


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